Baseline Studies

Baseline Studies

From reviewed literature, it was evident that for the Fund to achieve its mandate, there is need to conduct an assessment on the communication sector. Therefore, to enable evidence-based and informed decision making from the onset, the Fund finds it prudent to make an assessment of both the demand and supply side communications gap assessment, to integrate the best available research evidence into the decision-making process as regards to ICTs and Postal Services in the Republic of South Sudan.

This programme will involve carrying out relevant studies/ surveys to determine the supply and demand indices for different categories of communication services within the country. The focus will be on both the demand and supply angles. It will entail interactions with beneficiary communities to determine what is or will be beneficial and sustainable in achieving the objectives of the Fund. It will also provide a reference point for designing future projects of Fund. The studies/ surveys will not only assess the current situation but will attempt to predict future needs of the beneficiary community or institution to ensure that the Fund’s resources are expended only on projects that are useful, impactful and sustainable. The expected outcome of this study shall be symmetry of the demand and supply of the Fund’s intervention based on identified ICT needs and the type/ class of interventions required to address these needs.


In addition, the Fund in consultation with the Principal Legal Advisor in charge of ICTs) at the Ministry of ICT and Postal Services, and after benchmarking with other Universal Service Funds in the region, initiated the process of developing a draft USAF legislation. Slot Gacor Slot Gacor Slot Gacor Slot Gacor Situs Slot Resmi Slot Gacor Slot Gacor Slot Gacor Slot Gacor Slot Gacor Slot Gacor Slot Gacor slot 777 Gacor Slot Gacor Slot Gacor Slot Gacor Slot Gacor Slot Gacor Slot Demo Slot Gacor Slot Gacor Slot Gacor Slot Gacor Slot Gacor Slot Gacor Slot Gacor Slot Gacor
